Rotherham Symphony Orchestra

Rotherham Symphony Orchestra - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Rotherham Symphony Orchestra will be held on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 4:30pm (end of rehearsal) in the community hall at the rear of Herringthorpe United Reformed Church for the purpose of the following business:


To receive any apologies of absence.

To receive the Musical Directors Report

To receive and approve the Annual Financial Accounts of the Orchestra and the Report of the Treasurer thereon for the year ended 31st August 2024. 

To receive the Report of the Chair.

To agree alterations to the RSO Constitution and other policies.

To appoint a Chair for 2024/25

To elect the Committee of the Orchestra for 2024/25

To receive Any Other Business pertinent to the AGM.

To receive any Questions or Comments from Members present. 

Nominations for the Committee should be sent to no later than Wednesday 18th September 2024

Nomination example:

I’d like to nominate myself for the following role …… of the Rotherham Symphony Orchestra 2024-2025.





Social events and publicity officer

Performers Representative

Safeguarding Officer

Any member can suggest agenda items for the AGM - this should be sent to no later than Wednesday 18th September 2024.

If you have any questions, please email

Who are Rotherham Symphony Orchestra?

Rotherham Symphony Orchestra are a group of amateur musicians who are excited and passionate about bringing classical music to our local community.

RSO is the only orchestra of its kind in the Rotherham area and is still relatively new as an ensemble that was founded in 2017.

We strive to perform our music to the best of our abilities for the entertainment of all who are interested to listen.

Rehearsing our November concert programme at Herringthorpe United Reformed Church Hall.

Since the pandemic...

RSO was only 3 years old as we entered the pandemic of 2020, meaning that most of our goals and plans hadn't even had chance to thrive. 

Since beginning rehearsals once more in September 2021 our orchestra has built from strength to strength with an influx of new members, a new organising committee and we now have bigger goals than ever.

We are particularly interested in working within the local community through partnered concerts with other musical organisations, promoting music to the younger generation and we even want to look at partnering with professional organisations such as the BBC orchestras as we did when we very first started.

The above photographs were taken during our rehearsal on Sunday 05th February 2023.